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As a professional courtesy, I would like to offer the following services to your school, at no charge.  I am simply looking for the opportunity to reach out to your team of teachers and become your trusted Speech and Language Pathologist.




I have had the pleasure of providing professional development to many of the private preschools in the Troy-Bloomfield-Birmingham and West Bloomfield area. All teachers have a required number of professional development hours that they need to keep their certification current. It is my privilege to present on such topics as normal speech and language development, red flags within the development, and when to refer a child for a speech and language evaluation. My presentations always include a significant discussion with the staff about students that they have been concerned about. Other topics for professional development include: how to help a child that has been identified with a speech and language disorder/delay, strategies to increase focus for task completion, and ways for a teacher to communicate their concerns effectively to parents, without creating anxiety or unnecessary concern. 





I am one of the few lucky people that can combine my two loves, parenting and teaching, into a career. The lessons that I have learned from my two boys have significantly impacted the way I view therapy and teaching children. I am available to speak to your parents, during an organized parent night to provide information that they should know about their child’s speech and language development.





Oakland County provides your children with hearing and vision screenings during the school year. They do not, however, provide speech and language screenings. As an educator, you know the importance of early identification and intervention. I am available to come to your school and provide a speech and language screening to any child that returns to school with a permission slip. Should a child be identified as needing further evaluation, you and I would address that recommendation with the child’s parents.

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